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Nazareth was the boyhood home of Jesus. It was here that the angel announced to the Virgin Mary that she was to have a child. (Luke 1:26-35)

Until Jesus lived here Nazareth was of no importance and was not mentioned in the Scriptures, until it was associated with His life. Nathanel’s words, "Can any good thing come out of Nazareth?" reveal how insignificant it was during Bible times. (John 1:46) It was from here that Joseph left to go to Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. (Luke 2:4) The city is cupped in the hills of Lower Galilee where it could watch the military and commercial traffic of its day. Joseph and Mary raised Jesus here in this town after their return from Egypt. Jesus received His religious training here at home and in the synagogue. He left Nazareth to go to His baptism and returned here after His baptism. There was violent reaction when He returned to preach here, and the first attempt on His life was made here in Nazareth. There was only one spring that supplied water for the town and can still be visited today and is known as "Mary’s Well." There are many tombs and caves throughout the city. After announcing His public ministry here with its following violence, Jesus left the city, and there is no record that He ever returned to it after the Temptation. The name "Nazareth" was attached to Him by friend and foe.

(Matthew 21:11) One can visit the traditional site of the carpenter workshop and home as well as the Well of Mary.