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The Antonia Fortress is located in the northwest corner of the Temple area built by Herod. In this fortress you stand in the traditional site of the trial of Jesus, the abuse by the soldiers, and the sentencing by Pilate. Herod had named this fortress in honor of Mark Anthony. The western part of the Antonia was where the Pavement was where Jesus would have been tried according to the Scriptures. This was called the "Lithostrotos" which was used by the Roman soldiers for training, parades and games. We have here one of the last scenes of the life of Jesus on earth. It was here that He was mocked, scourged, crowned with thorns and condemned to death. The Sisters of Zion have preserved this area described in John 19 in their Convent. It was from here that Jesus started on the Via Dolorosa on His way to the Cross. The Roman games can still be seen carved in the stones where the Roman soldiers would mock a prisoner, make him a king for a day, and then put him to death. (Matthew 27:27-31; Mark 15:16-20)